Did you know SkywayTools.com has a pretty interesting Facebook page with over 5500 followers? SkywayTools.com is the online store for Skyway Tool Center in Chico, California and we have been in business for 36 years now. When the internet first emerged we created an online store... Continue reading
The February, 2017 issue of "Onsite Installer" magazine features longtime Skyway Tool Center friend, Nick Herrera. Nick has been a friend of Skyway Tool Center owner Doug Gillis for the last 30 years. He owns a company that builds and repairs wastewater systems, referred to... Continue reading
More Tool Store History SkywayTools.com focuses on selling automotive tools and automotive specialty tools to customers worldwide. When the parent company, Skyway Tool Center, began selling tools in 1986 we sold more of a generalized inventory of tools. With the advent of companies like Home... Continue reading
Skyway Tools was founded by owner Doug Gillis in December, 1986 and the business sold tools right from the time the doors opened. In 1989 Gillis expanded into a new building, then met me, his wife Sherry, later that year.. In October, 1994 we had... Continue reading